My time at my job is coming to an end, and I'm currently seeking freelance work yippie!!!!!!!!!!!!
check it out new me! i mean haircut
Hi! I'm PANKAKI , and I specialize in storyboards, 2D animation, illustration, voice acting etc...
Sorry for the months-long delay in updating my blog I've been busy cookin'
As this Year’s resolution, I want to collaborate more with fellow Newgrounds peeps actually.
Feel free to send me a PM here or contact me at!
This might be a weird ask but how confident are you at english to japanese translations. I feel that could boost your odds getting an art gig cause you can be a 2 for 1 deal. Indie developers are inherently trying to find people who can fill. Hell I'm working on a project that could use that. This is me basically saying I'll help you find gigs.