it's been a while, hasn't it? Last year was pretty depressing for me, and I'd don't go into revisiting details about it
(especially since I had a near death experience)
This year I want to share the production blog for my favorite short film i worked on called Dye Hard
If you haven't seen it yet, here's the link!

Dye Hard, the short title as you might have guessed, is a reference to DIE HARD (my favorite Western action film)
The story is based on my time as an art student. I almost dozed off (you heard it right!)
Back in the early production days, me and my crew write 15 stories pitch YES 15 crazy......
This story pitch was selected anddd I never expected it to be the best choice heh
Heres early productions sketchs


EARLY CHARACTER DESIGN SPINNN by ysam (gif ok i dont know why these gif arent moving)

(im only human after all~)
final character desing by me (w/o headphone)

this one has black outline so this weird looking
Here are my favorite scenes i did (gif)

(art by shinarts rig by me!!!)
early storyboard
more crew sketch

draft movie poster

I think that's all I have to showcase for now i apologize for few images since NewGrounds only allow 10 medias but
More HD scenes and early animatics of this film will be on my portfolio website.
It's still in progress, but I'll keep you guys updated . Thanks for reading
can some one tell me why GIF in this blog arent moving